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is acronym of “Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor”.
It is a transistor which uses Silicon Dioxide and an electric field is
responsible for its operation when properly powered hence it is named as
MOSFET. It is a four terminal device named as Source (S), Gate (G), Drain (D)
and Body or Substrate. The body is internally connected to source hence
externally we have only three terminals i.e. Source, Gate and Drain. MOSFETs
are categorized in two basic types, i.e. N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET. This
categorization is based on conduction channel created during its operations, we
will understand in details while explanation of its working.
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P-Channel MOSFET |
Construction of a N-Channel MOSFET is as shown in the picture above, which consist of a base
of P-type material called Substrate also. Holes are the majority current
carriers in P-type material and electrons are minority current carriers. There
are two blocks of highly doped N-type material which acts as Source and Drain.
A very thin layer of Silicon Dioxide is laid on the top followed by a layer of
metal connected to gate terminal. This structure of silicon dioxide and metal
layer act as a small capacitor giving very high input gate resistance.
Similarly Drain and Source metal terminals are taken out for external
connection. Similarly we have P-channel MOSFET where the P-type material is
replaced by N-type and vice-e-versa.
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Sample MOSFET |
structure is housed in a package which finally looks like this sample MOSFET. Again
as we saw in transistor, different MOSFETs have different pin notation in terms
of gate, drain and source terminals. In this sample MOSFET, left most pin is
Gate, middle one is Drain and right most is Source. There is a metal plate
extruded out at top with a screw hole, this is used for mounting the MOSFET on
a metal heat sink to absorb excess heat produced during its operations. If we
do not use heat sink, such MOSFETs will burn out in few seconds of operation. Again
we have a large range of MOSFETs which can handle power from some milli watts
to hundreds of watts. Based on the power handling capacity the size keep on
increasing and at the same time bigger heat sink should be used and even
cooling fans are also required along with heat sink.
are used as signal amplifiers as well as electronic switches as we saw in transistor section. The UPS and home AC inverters mostly uses MOSFETs to drive a
transformer from DC supply fed from battery and the output of transformer is
used by us to drive load connected to UPS/AC inverter like our computers,
lights and fans etc.
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N-Channel MOSFET Operation |
us understand the working of a N-channel MOSFET. As we see in connection
diagram here, Drain is connected to positive supply and Source is connected to
negative supply of battery. In this condition the Drain to Substrate junction
is reversed biased hence no current flows through drain to source. As we connect a small positive supply to Gate
with respect to Source, the metal plate at Gate act as positive terminal of
small capacitor build around thin silicon dioxide layer. Positive charges are
accumulated on the metal plate of Gate terminal forcing electrons in substrate
to get accumulated near silicon dioxide layer creating a N-channel between two
N-type materials, Drain and Source. These electrons are actually the minority
charge/current carriers in P-type material.
channel of electrons provide a path for current to flow from N-type Drain to
N-type Source, as they also have electrons as their majority current carriers.
As we increase the Gate to Source voltage, more positive charge is accumulated
at Gate plate forcing larger amount of electrons to accumulate opposite to it,
making broader conducting N-channel hence allowing more current from Drain to
Source. This way for a small change in gate voltage, there is a larger current
allowed to flow through MOSFET, hence the Gate voltage acts a controller for
the Drain current. Remember in Bipolar Junction Transistor, the base current
was controlling the Collector current, here Gate voltage is controlling Drain
MOSFET works in exactly the opposite way by reversing all the supply
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MOSFET Graph |
on above operating criteria if we plot the graph of Drain to Source voltage (VDS)
versus the drain current (ID) at different gate voltages, we get
similar graph as we got in transistor topic for different base current. Sample
graph is shown here, where we can see two regions.
the left of dotted line we have Ohmic region, because current is changing due
to change in VDS for every Gate voltage.
on the right hand side of dotted line is flat horizontal that means there is no
change in Drain current for any change in Drain to Source voltage for all range
of Gate voltage. This region is saturation region, means no more current flow
can happen from Drain to Source as the maximum limit has reached. In this
condition MOSFET acts as a closed switch.
a certain gate voltage, no current flow through MOSFET. In this condition it
works as a open switch.
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Symbol |
of MOSFET is as shown here, again with arrow in two different direction to
distinguish between N-channel and P-channel MOSFET. Gate terminal is shown with
a separation as there is layer of Silicon Dioxide in actual construction forming
a small capacitor. The diode shown in symbol is actually not a part of original
MOSFET and may not be shown in all MOSFET symbols. This is a protection diode
added to MOSFET to avoid reverse current when operating any inductive load like
relay or motor. If this diode is not shown in any circuit, we need to add
separately to protect the MOSFET.
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MOSFET Circuit |
sample MOSFET circuit is shown here consisting of a N-channel MOSFET ‘T1’ with
a relay ‘RL1’ connected between Drain and positive supply of VDS. A
diode in parallel to relay is connected to bypass the reverse current generated
when it switches Off from ON condition. When there is no gate voltage applied,
the MOSFET works as a open switch hence the relay is Off. As soon as we apply a
suitable gate voltage the MOSFET acts as a closed switch and hence the relay is
energized. This is the way the MOSFET is used as a electronic switch.
That's all about MOSFET, keep watching for next upcoming topic.
That's all about MOSFET, keep watching for next upcoming topic.