Let us make ATtiny85 chip based infrared remote decoder project that can be connected to any micro-controller that can read from its own serial pin (Rx). Though we have IR library for Arduino platform but I was working with OLED in my previous project (Arduino Based Sound Processor) and found that IR remote library was conflicting with OLED library which was not allowing me to use OLED at its full resolution. Although I read many articles where some solution was given to change the timer in library file, but somehow it didn't worked for me and hence I wanted some solution through which I could add remote functionality to my audio processor, hence I designed this small module which can read any type of remote.
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We just have to capture the codes we are getting from remote buttons and add the functionality to any Ardunio based project where we need to add IR remote functionality. Circuit is very simple and code is also very short and simple which help beginners to build it easily.
Watch out this video to see how it operates.
Those who are new to Attiny programming with Arduino, may refer below link or click here to go to below link.
Below is the simple circuit diagram of IR decoder. Since it captures and transmits raw data coming from IR remote, it is open to accept data from any format of remotes available in market.
Here is the Arduino code for Attiny85 remote decoder module.
As mentioned in remarks, PB2 (pin-7) reads the signal received from sensor TSOP1738 which is read by Attiny85 and written to the software serial PB4 (pin-3) which act as Tx pin for software defined serial port and PB3 (pin-2) act as Rx pin for software serial port.