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What is a Resistor?

A resistor is a component which exerts some resistance to the current flowing through it. So this property of resistor is called its resistance. It is used to reduce the flow of current in the circuit wherever required. The higher the resistance the lower is the current allowed through it. Resistance is denoted as ‘R’ and its unit is Ohms or Ω.
Ohms Law

Voltage ‘V’, resistance ‘R’ and current ‘I’ is related as R = V/I or I = V/R. So Current is directly proportional to Voltage and inversely proportional to Resistance. So, we get V = I X R, where V is in volts, I in Amperes and R in Ohms. This is called the Ohms law. That means the voltage across a resistance is equal to the current flowing through it multiplied by its
Resistor Symbol
resistance itself. We will learn more when we will build our first simplest circuit to run a LED from cells or battery. This formula can be easily remembered with the triangular diagram.
Resistor doesn’t have any polarity; hence any leg of resistor can be connected to any point in circuit.

what is ohms law
As I mentioned in Ohms law, the currently is directly proportional the voltage applied across a resistor, means if the voltage is increased the current through resistance also increases and vice-e-versa. If we plot the graph of voltage with respect to resulting current through a resistor, we will get a straight line as shown here. 

The slope of the curve is decided by the resistance of the resistor. We have plotted graph for two different resistors here to see difference in behavior. We have drawn a perpendicular line on voltage axis at V=5volts. If we find out at which point the corresponding perpendicular line cuts the current axis, we observer that for red graph its at 1 amps and for the green graph its approx 4 amps. this means the green graph is for a lower resistance and the red graph is for higher resistance.

Series Connection 

Series Resistance 
If two or more resistors are added in series the total resistance is sum of all resistor values. i.e. R = R1 + R2 + R3 + ….. Rn. This diagram shows how to connect two or more resistors in series. So in the diagram R1 = 1KΩ and R2 = 3.3KΩ, so that total resistance is 1 + 3.3 i.e. 4.3KΩ.

Series Resistance

Similarly in next diagram total resistance will be 1 + 1.2 + 3.3 + .220 = 5.72KΩ. Note here three resistors have value in KΩ and last one in Ω, hence to made same unit for all, we divided the last resistance value by 1000 to convert from Ω to KΩ, hence 220Ω/1000 = 0.220KΩ. So we could have converted all three resistances in KΩ to Ω by multiplying them with 1000 and then adding all to get the final value in Ω and then we could have divided the final value by 1000 to get in KΩ.

Let us try that also. R1 = 1KΩ = 1 x 1000Ω = 1000Ω.
Similarly, R2 = 1.2KΩ = 1.2 x 1000Ω = 1200Ω. R3 = 3.3KΩ = 3.3x1000Ω = 3300Ω, and last one is already in Ω, hence no change. Now add all four resistance value R = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 i.e. 1000 + 1200 + 3300 + 220 = 5720Ω. Now finally to get the answer in KΩ divide it by 1000 i.e. R = 5720/1000 = 5.72KΩ. So we got the same answer as we got earlier. So what we understood that if many resistors are connected in series the net resistance value increases.

Parallel Connection

Now let us see how two or more resistors are connected in parallel and what is the net value of resistance when they are connected so.
Parallel Resistance
Parallel ResistanceSo, as the formula shows the net resistance in case of parallel connection is reciprocal sum of all resistances. So let us calculate the value of resistance in this case, R = 10 x 10 / (10 + 10) = 100/20 = 5KΩ. So what we observer here is that the net resistance is lower that individual resistances. Since all resistances in above example are in KΩ hence we did straight forward calculation, else we should have made all values in KΩ or Ω either by multiplying or dividing by 1000.

Parallel ResistanceIn next example on the right we have four resistor in parallel each with value 220KΩ, so 1/R = (1/220) + (1/220) + (1/220) + (1/220) = 55KΩ. Again the net value is less that value of any resistance in parallel circuit. Note: In case of parallel connection the net value will be less that lowest value of resistance in parallel circuit.

Resistor Power Rating

Now when a resistance opposes the current flowing through it, it does some work to oppose the current which releases energy from it in the form of heat. Every resistance has another rating that is its power handling capacity mentioned in “Watts”. The more the wattage of a resistor the more heat it can dissipate and that means more current it can handle through it. The power developed across a resistor due to current flow in it is calculated by formula P = V x I i.e. multiplication of voltage across it and the current flowing through it. Now as we know relation between V, I & R i.e. V = I x R, now replace V with this value in formula of power, you will get P = I x R X I = I2 x R and the unit of power is Watts. So, to run a heavy load through resistance, we need high wattage resistor so that it doesn’t over heat and burn out. For Smaller load we can use low watt resistors.

Next we will learn about Capacitors, keep watching.

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